Saturday, April 20, 2024

Is Scott Walker 2016’s Version of Mitt Romney?

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (photo credit: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0)
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (photo credit: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Pulse’s own Terry Schilling was featured in The Daily Caller yesterday with a piece comparing Scott Walker to Mitt Romney.  After looking closely at the two candidates, many unsettling similarities begin to appear:

Mitt Romney’s appeal was due to the fact that he was a Republican who was able to overcome great odds by getting elected in a blue state and by passing a signature policy achievement with universal health care reform.

Scott Walker’s appeal is that he is a Republican who has managed to get elected (three times) in a blue(-ish) state and managed to secure his own signature legislative achievement with public sector union reform.

Unfortunately, that’s not where the similarities stop.

Like Romney, Walker is less than eager to talk about the policies he’d support to protect innocent, unborn children if elected President. Walker has even been hesitant about supporting widely popular proposals like Sen. Lindsay Graham’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection act, which limits abortion after the 20th week of a pregnancy when the child can feel pain. The bill polls at a strong 60 percent support among nearly all demographics, including women, youth, and Hispanic voters.


Walker can try to pivot away from abortion to jobs and the national debt, but unless he addresses the abortion issue head-on, he will follow the same end as Romney’s campaign. If Walker becomes the GOP’s candidate for President, would he ask Hillary Clinton, Liz Warren, or Martin O’Malley whether or not they support aborting a seven-pound baby? I doubt it.

But it only gets worse…

Be sure to read the rest.

Kate Bryan is the Director of Communications for American Principles in Action.

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