Friday, April 19, 2024

Tennessee Pastors Prepare for Battle Against Same-Sex Marriage

Photo credit: Jeff Belmonte via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Photo credit: Jeff Belmonte via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

In Memphis, a group of pastors have begun preparations for a battle over same-sex marriage as the release of the Supreme Court decision draws near.  Rev. Bill Owens, the president and founder of the Coalition of African-American Pastors, was quoted as saying:

We stand today to put America on notice that we will not obey an unjust law. Same sex marriages, they try to claim to is a civil right. They hijacked the Civil Rights Movement and say it’s the same thing, but it’s not the same thing.

Rev. David Walsh reportedly believed that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, many pastors would resort to civil disobedience as a manner of protest. Walsh stated:

God created marriage between a man and woman and no Supreme Court jurisdiction can define this. We stand clearly saying we will acknowledge God’s law no matter what the cost, no matter what the price. If they want to fill jails with pastors across the nation of every color, denomination and every size who will stand for the laws of God and his truths.

The issue of marriage is sure to heat up in the coming days as the ruling draws near. It is clear that many pastors will be prepared regardless of how the court decides.

Joshua Pinho works for American Principles in Action.

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