Friday, April 19, 2024

Ben Carson Excites Crowd at Pro-Life Rally in DC

Dr. Ben Carson joined Senator Rand Paul, Senator Ted Cruz, and dozens of speakers today at the #WomenBetrayed #DefundPlannedParenthood rally in Washington, D.C. today.

When asked if he would defund Planned Parenthood as President, Carson responded emphatically, “Absolutely!”

You can watch Carson’s full speech below:

Carson spoke about our culture’s tolerance of the horrors of abortion.

“I think we have just gradually slid, in terms of our morals, to a point where we don’t really care about the killing of human beings,” Carson said. “That is the bad news. The good news is that I think we are changing and I think things like this are starting to change this a lot. There are actually more people in America now that identify themselves as pro-life than there are who are pro-death.”

Carson said our country has overcome terrible evil in the past.

“We are capable of changing. There was a time in this country where there were people who thought it was okay to own other people, and they thought they could do anything they want with them because they belong to me — I can beat them, I can kill them, I can do whatever I want to them. We fortunately as a society matured and began to actually think about what the words of our Declaration of Independence and what the words of our Constitution actually meant,” Carson said. “Those words are meaningful today, too because they talk about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Well, guess what? There can be no liberty or pursuit of happiness if there is no life.”

Carson concluded with a call to action.

“We want to get to a point where they will think the way we do about human life because there is nothing more precious than the life of a human being,” Carson said. “Are we going to become a culture of life or a culture of death? Just think about the two different pathways and where they lead. It is this callousness that has led to people having this hatred of anybody who disagrees with them, wanting to destroy them, wanting to destroy their life, wanting to destroy their career, this is all hand in hand. It is blatant evil that is going on in our society and it is necessary for people of faith and people who have morals and values that made this into a great nation to stand up and be counted, now and forever!”

Jon Schweppe is Deputy Director of Communications for American Principles in Action.

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