Thursday, April 25, 2024

Will John Kasich Oppose California Punishing Christian Colleges?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (photo credit: Michael Vadon via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)
Ohio Gov. John Kasich (photo credit: Michael Vadon via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)

Hugh Hewitt asked John Kasich if he would oppose California AB 1888, which would forbid low-income California students from using aid grants at Christian colleges that abide by Christian moral codes on sex and marriage.

He said he might or might not, just as he has never said whether he would support the First Amendment Defense Act:

HEWITT: When you get to California, you’re going to hear about AB1888, which is going to cut off Cal Grants to any religious college that has a policy of traditional Christian sexual morality, and they enforce it. Now I don’t want to, it’s not a pop quiz. Are you going to be ready to talk about that, because it’s an assault on the 1st Amendment, but of course, a lot of people want to believe that’s non-discrimination. Are you going to be ready to talk about that by the time you come to California?

KASICH: Yeah, once I study it. I’m just not familiar with all, what that’s all about. But of course, I’ll be willing to talk about it. You know, I’ve talked about religious freedom and all those other things, and I just have to find out what, you know, what it is and where it is. You know, I think religious institutions have a right to practice, they need to practice the values that they hold as part of their religion. So of course, I’ll be willing to talk about it.

Maybe its fair to give him time to read up on the legislation. But if not that protection, can he point to anything a President Kasich would do to block the Left’s new aggression?

Maggie Gallagher is a senior fellow at the American Principles Project and can be followed on Twitter @MaggieGallaghe.

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