Friday, April 19, 2024

Rachel Dolezal Is Exposing the Absurdity of the Trans-Movement

Rachel Dolezal gained notoriety around the country when issues concerning her racial identity came to light in 2015, while she was serving as the president for an NAACP chapter. Despite being born to two white parents in Montana, Dolezal claimed she was African-American and lived in a teepee with her family — who hunted for food with a bow and arrow — before moving to South Africa.

After being exposed by her friends and family for her deception, Dolezal was forced to resign from the NAACP and began writing her book, In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World, which was released last week. In this book, she calls herself “transracial” — a label for which she has taken a great deal of heat from liberals, and, in particular, radical LGBT activists.

During her interview on The Today Show last week, Dolezal explained her transracial identity and pointed out the transgender/transracial double standard that is making liberals furious:

I don’t identify as African American, I identify as black, so I am a part of the pan-African diaspora, and I definitely feel like in America, even though race is a social construct… there is still a line drawn in the sand.

Dolezal argues that race is a social construct, just as gender is claimed to be by radical LGBT activists, and thus should be treated in the same way gender is now being treated in America today. She points out that this is not the reality, however, and that transgender people deal with significantly less prejudice than she does as a “transracial” person.

In an interview with Salon, Dolezal explained, “There was a time when we did call transgender, or even gay and bisexual, people crazy.” She continued, “That still perpetuates, to a degree, but there’s more acceptance for gender fluidity than there is race fluidity right now.”

Liberals are infuriated at the very idea of Dolezal comparing her struggle to that of the LGBT community, despite the apparent similarity between the two. If it is up to an individual to decide their gender, given that it is merely a social construct, why should race be any different?

The real reason LGBT activists are furious is because their arguments for transgenderism are being delegitimized and exposed for their absurdity. And while liberals might claim that not that many people identify as transracial, this should not be surprising if we believe Dolezal — of course very few would identify as transracial if it is so heavily stigmatized.

It is quite curious that the same group of people who attack religious groups for being “intolerant” and not recognizing one’s personal identity are now behaving in the exact same way by demonstrating intolerance and attacking Dolezal for being true to her own self-proclaimed identity.

Photo credit: Screenshot via YouTube

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