Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Abortion Pill Reversal: When “Pro-Choicers” Don’t Support a Woman’s Choice

Abortion rights activists are supposedly concerned about supporting a woman’s right to choose. They claim to be “pro-choice” and care about respecting a woman’s choices regarding her pregnancy.

But what about a woman’s right to choose to change her mind? The California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) now says that nurses should not be trained to support a woman in her choice if her choice is the decision to keep her baby.

In a letter sent last week to the pro-life group Heartbeat International, the state’s board ordered the group to cease offering continuing education units (CEUs) for classes teaching abortion pill reversal training. Heartbeat International was given until September 16 to remove the classes from its online courses.

The courses teach registered nurses how to administer progesterone treatment to women who choose to continue their pregnancies after having already taken chemical abortion pills. By reversing the process of abortion, the progesterone treatments have been credited with saving the lives of roughly 300 babies whose mothers chose to keep them.

Despite the board’s previous approval of the training, its new position succumbs to the pressure from abortion activists to shut down Heartbeat International’s pro-life efforts. Ironically, the “pro choicers” are attacking the abortion pill reversal proponents even at the expense of trampling on a woman’s right to choose — the holy grail of the pro-choice movement. So, the question should be asked: Are these people really pro-choice if they don’t even respect a woman’s choice to change her mind?

Jor-El Godsey, the president of Heartbeat International certainly doesn’t think so. He told The Christian Post that he considers the board’s action to be the abortion lobby’s “direct effort to steal a mother’s choice right out from under her”:

This is a naked political assault on a procedure that is the very essence of choice. To oppose Abortion Pill Reversal is not only to deny the science and reality that there are children living today because of it, but it’s to materially keep a woman from even so much as knowing she has the option to potentially stop a chemical abortion once it has begun. This is the abortion lobby taking choices away from women.

This attempt to sabotage abortion pill reversal treatments should come as no surprise. The abortion lobby will do anything and everything it can to thwart the efforts of pro-life organizations. “At this point, it’s hard to say we’re surprised by any effort to prop up the failing abortion industry,” Godsey added.

The abortion lobbyists who convinced the California BRN to change its policy champion an extremely limited defense of a woman’s right to choose. “My body, my choice” is only upheld by them if a woman chooses to get an abortion. Once she chooses not to have an abortion, nurses should no longer be trained to support her in that decision, according to these supposedly “pro-choice” advocates.

When it comes to the topic of abortion pill reversal, the hypocrisy of self-declared “pro-choicers” is painfully obvious by their profoundly anti-choice stance. It’s time we call the “pro-choice” movement what it really is — a “pro-death” movement only concerned with supporting the choices of women who choose abortion.

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