Thursday, April 25, 2024

EXC: Leaked Fox Data Shows Viewership Stagnant, Newsmax Surges

In the aftermath of a highly contested election, most news network’s viewership numbers are increasing. But not Fox News, according to new numbers leaked to The National Pulse from within the Murdoch empire.

Fox News numbers for Tuesday November 10th reveal that while competing networks are growing their audiences in this time of political turmoil, Fox is not.

The network also recently added Newsmax to the list followed by Fox management.

Newsmax’s audience appears to have grown by a factor of five times in recent months,

The e-mail, from Fox’s Market Research Manager to is addressed to: “R.Murdoch, L.Murdoch, Cavuto, Collins, Dorrego, Gambelli, Nallen, Petterson, Scott, Wallace.”

In the 25-54 year old demographic – the most important metric as far as Fox staffers are concerned – Fox pulled in an average of 366,000 viewers over the day.

This demographic is the most important to networks because advertising sales companies pay the most for that viewership.

CNN took 477,000 in the same demographic, while Newsmax rose from tens of thousands to 109,000.

In households with more than two people, Fox took 1,809,000 on Tuesday, while Newsmax took 389,000.


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