Thursday, April 18, 2024

Gallup: Trump is America’s ‘Most Admired Man’ for 2020

Americans are most likely to name President Donald Trump as their “most admired man” of 2020 according to a new Gallup poll.

Overall, 18 percent of Americans named President Trump, 15 percent named former President Barrack Obama, six percent named Joe Biden, and three percent named Dr. Anthony Fauci as their most admired man in the December 29th poll. President Trump’s eclipse of Obama by three percentage points marks the end of a 12-year run as the most admired man for the former president.

President Trump tied Obama last year.

Gallup’s latest poll

A deep dive into who comprises the 18 percent reveals that “48 percent of Republicans named President Trump this year, with no other public figure receiving more than 2% of Republicans’ votes.”

“Obama is the top choice among Democrats, at 32%, but that is down from 41% last year. President-elect Joe Biden (13%) is also commonly named by Democrats. Additionally, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, is named by 5% of Democrats but only 1% of Republicans, further contributing to Democrats’ relative dispersion of choices. Independents are evenly split between Trump (11%) and Obama (11%), with another 3% naming Biden and 2% Fauci,” analysis adds.

In contrast, 10% of Americans named Michelle Obama as the most admired woman, six percent named Senator Kamala Harris, and four percent named First Lady Melania Trump.


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