Thursday, April 25, 2024

On Day 89, Biden’s White House Claimed They’re Not Flip-Flopping, You’re Just Having a Comprehension Problem.

On Day 89, the Biden-Harris White House didn’t have a communication problem—everyone else had a comprehension problem. Duh.

Biden Takes A Victory Lap on Trump’s Promise Kept.

Monday, April 19 marked a major presidential promise kept… for former President Donald J. Trump. 

“Trump Says, Without Evidence, Every American Will Get Coronavirus Vaccine By April,” the Washington Post proclaimed on September 18, 2020. In Trump’s words: “Hundreds of millions of doses will be available every month, and we expect to have enough vaccines for every American by April.”

Sure enough, on April 19, 2021, the White House tweeted, “Starting today, every American 16 and older is eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine! Help spread the news — and encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to get vaccinated.”

Congratulations, former President Trump. 

“Crisis” Comms.

After President Joe Biden referred to the border situation as “the crisis that ended up on the border with young people” on Saturday, the White House press shop had until Monday to figure out what the president really meant to say. Here’s what they came up with: He meant the crisis in Central America.

“The President does not feel that children coming to our border, seeking refuge from violence, economic hardships, and other dire circumstances is a crisis,” press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday.
“He does feel that the crisis in Central America, the dire circumstances that many are fleeing from—that he—that that is a situation we need to spend our time, our effort on, and we need to address it if we’re going to prevent more of an influx of migrants from coming in years to come.”

White House Nods At Minneapolis Chaos.

As closing arguments were delivered Monday in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, Psaki served up a word salad of messages on federal preparedness for potential unrest that is likely in the event of a verdict considered unfavorable by activists.

“Our objective is to ensure there is a space for peaceful protest; that, you know, we encour—we continue to convey that while this country has gone through an extensive period—especially the Black community—of pain, trauma, and exhaustion, as we’ve watched these—not just the trial, but, of course, additional violence against their community over the past several weeks, we—it’s important to acknowledge that and elevate that at every opportunity we have,” Psaki said.

Make no mistake, this is not the Biden White House urging protestors to remain peaceful. It’s turning a blind eye—if not giving an approving nod—to the potential for a repeat of the deadly 2020 riots—without owning it. 

Information Indigestion?

Psaki was also pressed Monday on the previous week’s apparent policy flip-flop on the refugee cap.

“We never said we’re not raising the refugee cap,” Psaki said. “In the morning, we said actually — and with the information we put out — was that once we reach 15,000, we will raise it. That was not accounted for in … some of how people were digesting the information. And we wanted to be clear and send a message that we are a country that is welcoming refugees. Let’s be clear: We are changing the policies of the last administration. We are changing the policy of not welcoming in people from Africa or people from the Middle East. That was the biggest factor preventing refugees come—from coming in during the last administration.” 

That’s right—it’s not so much about the policies, as how people feel about them.

In explanation for why Biden originally projected a new refugee cap that the White House now calls “aspirational,” Psaki explained, in part, “It’s incumbent upon us to make sure there’s an understanding of what the President’s policies are, what he’s trying to achieve, and what he feels morally.”

That’s the big difference between Trump’s 15,000 refugees and Biden’s 15,000 refugees: your digestion of “what he feels morally.”
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