Thursday, April 25, 2024

Jeanne Shaheen Votes Against Protecting Victims of Sex Trafficking

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) (photo credit: Roger H. Goun via Flickr, CC BY 2.0)
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) (photo credit: Roger H. Goun via Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

The New Hampshire Union Leader published a scathing editorial condemning Sen. Jeanne Shaheen for suddenly dropping her support for a bill to protect victims of human trafficking when the pro-abortion establishment of the Democratic party decided to use this bill to make a stand against Hyde Amendment language barring taxpayer financing of abortions:

On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen shamed herself with a vote that no one in New Hampshire should ever forget. That day, to her eternal discredit, she voted against a bill to help sex trafficking victims – on the order of her biggest campaign donor.

. . . Among its bipartisan list of cosponsors are Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte and Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. The bill would create a sex trafficking victim assistance fund, financed by revenue from criminal fines.

Just before the bill was to come up for a vote, the abortion lobby noticed that it contained a long-standing provision, “routinely included in spending bills,” as Politico reported, called the Hyde amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding of elective abortions. The call went out: block the bill. . .

Shaheen is refusing to help these abuse victims until Republicans agree to make taxpayers finance abortions. What a loathsome, cowardly, cynical thing to do.

Readers of may note something important: this new aggressive Democrat push to kill language banning taxpayer-financed abortions is a direct result of what we have dubbed “The Truce Strategy”:  Democrats use their power in the mainstream media to “embarrass” Republicans into backing down and muting their position on social issues.

When one side fights aggressively, and learns they can make their opponents shut up without spending a dime, they use this tactic over and over again, pushing further and further.

When only one side fights, that side will eventually win.

Silence, muting, and pretending only persuades your opponents they can decide what your agenda will be.

The truce strategy is why Republicans find it so hard to actually govern when given power. Conservative donors need to take notice.

And after being developed so successfully on the marriage issue, getting Republicans to mute their voices while 60 percent of Americans are on their side, watching the mushy middle cave as they never heard the position defended—don’t imagine this tactic is going to be confined to gay marriage or to life.

Republicans need to message coherently and effectively on all issues, including life.  Thanks to the New Hampshire Union Leader for showing them how.

Maggie Gallagher is editor of

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