Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Only Mention of Common Core in Wednesday’s Debate Came from Trump (VIDEO)

A great point by Bush cut down before its time by his support for Common Core. Trump pushes the knife:

JEB BUSH: We’re at a crossroads right now. Are we going to take the Reagan approach, the hopeful optimistic approach, the approach that says that, you come to our country legally, you pursue your dreams with a vengeance, you create opportunities for all of us?

Or the Donald Trump approach? The approach that says that everything is bad, that everything is coming to an end. I…

DANA BASH: Mr. Trump?


BUSH: I’m on the Reagan side of this.

TRUMP: … that they come into our country as an act of love.

With all of the problems we that we have, in so many instances — we have wonderful people coming in. But with all of the problems — this is not an act of love. He’s weak on immigration — by the way, in favor of Common Core, which is also a disaster, but weak on immigration.

He doesn’t get my vote.

Nick Arnold is a researcher for American Principles In Action.

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