Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Media ‘Forgot’ To Report Something Really Important From Iowa

Rubio_CruzHey, uh, mainstream media folks? You forgot to mention something in your coverage Monday night.

Ted Cruz is the first Hispanic-American to ever win the Iowa Caucus. And not only that, he is the first Hispanic-American to win any presidential primary – for any party – ever. And it was the religious right that pushed him to victory.

51 percent of Iowa caucus-goers – some of the whitest voters in the country – voted for Latino candidates. Cruz received 28 percent of the vote, while Marco Rubio placed third with 23 percent.

Three of the top four finishing Republican candidates were minorities – Dr. Ben Carson placed 4th with 9 percent of the vote.

And again, I can’t emphasize this enough – Iowa is white. Like, really, really white.

This is a big story. One might even call it “yuge.”

But the mainstream media generally remained silent. Outside scant mentions at Fox News Latino and NBC News, the historic nature of Cruz’s victory was glossed over. Instead of reporting on the importance of Cruz’s victory – to Hispanics, to the Republican Party, and to the country as a whole – the media focused instead on white people – namely, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders.


Read the full article at The Daily Caller.

Terry Schilling is the executive director of American Principles Project.

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