Tuesday, April 23, 2024

EXC – Eric Greitens: Why I’m Running for Senate.

We are a nation headed for crisis. But we don’t have to be. It’s not too late to change course.

Our republic was built by courageous revolutionaries like George Washington, Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson.

It has been stewarded by resilient men like Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.

Today, our nation is governed not by great leaders but by special interests and an unhealthy fear to dare defy the Washington elite and a corrupt mainstream media establishment.

The traits that held this country together during a civil war and propelled us to victory in back-to-back world wars aren’t just needed to grow, we need them to survive. We can still save our nation—but if we want different, we must do differently.

We need fighters—now, more than ever.

I am a Navy SEAL, a conservative, and a political outsider.

I first learned to fight in an inner city boxing gym in Durham, North Carolina.

When I was elected Governor of Missouri, I had been in many fights, as a BUSA National Champion Gold Medal boxer, as the commander of a unit targeting Al Qaeda in Iraq.

As a Navy SEAL, I fought for our country. I prepared for the attacks to come at us hard and direct. As Governor, I learned that being a MAGA conservative means you have to watch your six. Oftentimes the fire is coming from behind you.

The exact play that was used against President Donald Trump, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and Lt. General Michael Flynn was practiced and perfected in Missouri.

In 2016, we led an unprecedented grassroots movement to blow up the establishment Death Star. But that disruption to the status quo came at a cost. In 2018, the empire struck back. In an unholy alliance, career politicians and a Soros-funded prosecutor orchestrated a political witch hunt to overturn the 2016 election in Missouri.

They brought a baseless criminal case against me without a single shred of evidence. In the end, all charges were dropped. The prosecutor’s lead investigator has been charged with seven felony charges including perjury and evidence tampering for manufacturing a false case against me. A nearly two-year investigation found ‘no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of Eric Greitens.’ The Soros-funded prosecutor is under active criminal and professional investigations, while I was fully exonerated.

So when I say that I fully support President Donald Trump, it’s more than a catch phrase. I know and understand how the media, political enemies, and special interests will align to spread blatant lies. I also know that eventually—never soon enough—the wave of lies crashes on the rock of the facts. The truth comes to light.

I’m proud to wear these scars. It’s made me stronger, wiser, and tougher. I’m proud that the Lincoln Project is attacking me.

For three years, the American people were led to believe the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

The facts show it wasn’t just a lie—it was a carefully crafted set of attacks on President Trump. The lies told during two sham impeachment trials put the partisanship and pettiness of the Washington elite on full display for the world to see. Weak Republicans rushed to attack President Trump. Cowardly Republicans abandoned him.

They dismissed us, and then they tried to silence us. The insiders steal from us. The media mock us. The elites disdain us. The politicians ignore us.

Yet, the fight is before us. Law and order. A secure border. Letting kids go back to school. The Constitution. Common sense. These are all worth fighting for.

As a boxer, I learned that you can lose a round and still win the fight.

As a Navy SEAL, I learned that you can lose a battle and still win the war.

We have a beautiful country of compassionate and courageous citizens and it’s one worth fighting for.

That’s why I am running for Senate. To help revive our Republic. It’s time to step forward. As Patrick Henry said, “It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country.”

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