Sunday, April 28, 2024

Biden Campaign Calls Morning ‘Lid’ – Meaning No Candidate Appearances – 7 Times in 14 Days

With 40 days to the 2020 presidential election, the campaign of Democratic candidate Joe Biden has called a full lid before noon seven times just over the last two weeks.

In other words, over the course of the last two weeks, the Biden campaign has ceased operations before noon half of the time. In contrast, President Trump has been holding a wide array of campaign events across the country at a much higher frequency than Biden.

The disparity follows skepticism over Biden’s mental acuity and physical aptitude being up to task for the presidency and has elicited considerable blowback from many.

On September 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 22nd, and 24th, despite a global pandemic, belligerent Chinese Communist Party, a newly-vacant Supreme Court seat, and more, the Biden campaign felt comfortable capping operations before noon.

And in many cases, lids were called considerably earlier.

On September 24th, for example, the Biden campaign called a lid at 9:20 in the morning, and on September 22nd, campaign activities ceased at 9:22 in the morning.

Per his podcast, Biden “tries to get out of bed by 8am,” meaning he frequently campaigns for less than two hours a day.

With the election nearly one month away, it’s curious how the Biden team appears to feel any pressure to launch a full-court press campaign.

National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam pointed out that the Biden teams’s complacent campaigning is directly linked to mainstream media networks like CNN and MSNBC running interference on behalf of the candidate. What’s more, the campaign can also solidly count on big tech platform to silence critics of the former veep.

A recent poll, for example, found that of likely U.S. voters, 50 percent say “most reporters to try to help Biden,” only five percent will provide beneficial coverage to President Trump’s campaign, and 35 percent believe the media will remain “unbiased.”

Fifty-nine percent of the same cohort believe Biden “has received the best treatment from the media so far,” in comparison to 18 percent feeling the media “has treated Trump better.”

Biden’s disappearing act has earned him the title “Hidin’ Biden” along with the trope of the candidate hiding out in his basement – and deservedly so.

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