Sunday, April 28, 2024

“I Am a Mass Murderer”: Ex-Abortionist Makes Powerful Case for Heartbeat Bill (VIDEO)

Dr. Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist, testified in front of a Congressional committee on Thursday, declaring her support for H.R.490, the Heartbeat Protection Act.

The Heartbeat Protection Act, sponsored and introduced by Representative Steve King (R-Iowa), would amend federal criminal code when it comes to performing abortions. Under this bill, it would be a crime for an abortion to be performed without first seeing if the unborn baby has a detectable heartbeat and informing the mother of the results. It would also make it a crime to abort the baby if a heartbeat is picked up.

The exception to this legislation would be if an abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother. Criminal penalties would apply to the abortionist only — a fine, five years in prison, or both if convicted.

Dr. Aultman spoke to the committee as someone who has had an abortion, performed both first and second trimester abortions, and cared for women dealing with physical and psychological symptoms of abortion. In her testimony, she told the committee that she previously was a supporter of “availability of abortion on demand” as a women’s rights issue.

“I felt that a woman should have control over her body and not be forced to bear a child she didn’t want,” she said.

Aultman continued to explain her training, and her intrigue with the body parts of the babies she aborted. “I wasn’t heartless, I just had been trained to compartmentalize these things,” she stated. She reasoned that the difference in her mind was whether the baby was wanted or unwanted and that she was able to still grieve with women who had miscarriages or stillbirths.

Aultman’s turning point came when she was pregnant in the last year of her residency and was faced with three heartbreaking cases on the same day. “I realized that the baby was the innocent victim in all of this,” she told the committee. “The fact that the baby was unwanted was no longer enough justification for me to kill it. I could no longer do abortions.”

Aultman went on to become a practicing OB/GYN; in her statement to the Congressional committee, she recounted abortion industry horror story after horror story that she had heard or witnessed throughout her career. “Everything about abortion has become so distorted that the truth is no longer recognizable,” she told the committee, discussing the big money and sanitized language involved with the abortion industry.

Weighing the ethical dilemma created by abortionists putting one human’s rights over another’s, Aultman stated frankly:

I love to meet adults that I delivered, but it’s always bittersweet because I am reminded of all the people I will never meet because I aborted them. It also reminds me that I am a mass murderer.

Ending her statement, Aultman urged the committee to support the Heartbeat Protection Act because of the “concrete sign of life” it uses in legal definition. “We have an obligation to protect the most vulnerable of society and we will be judged on how well we care for our weakest members,” she concluded.

You can watch Dr. Aultman’s full testimony below:

Photo credit: Screenshot via YouTube

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