Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Chinese Communist Party Media Shares ‘Hunt That Blackie’ Cartoon, Twitter Allows It

Xinhua News, a Chinese Communist Party-run media outlet, shared an original graphic exclaiming “HUNT THAT BLACKIE!” from a trio of white police officers brandishing violent objects such as a pitchfork, torch, and a gun.

The graphic appeared on Twitter accompanied by the caption “Statistics show, time and again, that some are disproportionately prejudiced against in the U.S. #FightRacism.”

The fact Twitter will not remove the image – despite it being both clearly racist and foreign interference in an election – reflects the extraordinary hypocrisy of Twitter’s censors.

The media freaked out about Russian interference in 2016, when most of the “ads” run by the Russia Internet Research Agency appeared AFTER the election, but have not yet commented on this ad from the Chinese Communist Party:

A young black male is pictured running away from three white cops exclaiming “HUNT THAT BLACKIE!” Also pictured in the hands of the officers are a torch, a gun, a pitchfork, a german shepherd, and Lady Liberty’s torch.

Xinhua News’s Graphic
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