Thursday, April 18, 2024 Alters Definition of Court Packing to Seem Positive altered its definition of court packing over the course of the U.S. presidential election, attempting to brand the practice in a more positive light.

The definition of the court packing – which many suspect a Biden-Harris administration could participate in due to their refusal to answer questions on the balance of the Supreme Court – was limited to its historical relevance on November 1st, 2020.

The pre-election definition read:

(noun) an unsuccessful attempt by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937 to appoint up to six additional justices to the Supreme Court, which had invalidated a number of his New Deal laws.
11/1 definition

Just one month later, however, the online platform added a second definition to the term, euphemizing court packing as “more favorable to particular goals or ideologies”:

(noun) the practice of changing the number or composition of judges on a court, making it more favorable to particular goals or ideologies, and typically involving an increase in the number of seats on the court:

12/1 defintion
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