Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Maybe We Need a “Day Without a Christian”

Perhaps you’ve heard about today’s “Day Without a Woman” protest. Pro-abortion feminists across the country are staying home from work, refusing to buy products or services, and otherwise withdrawing from society in an effort to demonstrate against President Trump.

The protest has largely been a flop. Most people in “Real America” aren’t even aware it’s taking place, and outside of earning an outsized amount of media attention from a number of #FakeNews outlets, the protest is likely to be relegated to the lost-and-found box of history.

But we should give credit where it is due — what a clever idea! Given the abhorrent persecution of people of the Christian faith, both at home and abroad, perhaps we should riff on this idea and plan a “Day Without a Christian” protest.

After all, Christianity has been under constant assault by pop culture for decades. Christians, as a result, have become the most hated members of society, the mortal enemies of progressives and radical LGBT activists. Normal everyday Christians who are simply trying to live out their faith have had their lives destroyed by affirmation-seeking totalitarians who will not rest until everyone fully embraces the gay and trans lifestyles, even if that approval has to be decreed by judicial fiat.

Don’t believe me? Ask the Kleins. Or Kelvin Cochran. Or Baronelle Stutzman.

So, what if the hopes and dreams of anti-Christian progressives come to fruition?

What if Christian hospitals are shut down because they refuse to perform abortions or sex reassignment procedures on children?

What if Christian adoption agencies are forced to close their doors because their doctrinal guidelines require placing children in households with one mother and one father? (This has already happened in Illinois.)

What if Christian homeless shelters, which refuse to place biological men in rooms with biological women (many of whom are sexual assault victims), are closed down by government bureaucrats who are privileged enough to live in posh two-story homes? Who, then, will care for the homeless?

What if every Christian who has a traditional view on human sexuality and marriage is barred from owning a business in this country?

The results would, of course, be devastating to our economy and to our communities. Imagine a day without our soldiers, our first responders, our doctors, our nurses, our laborers, our caretakers, or even our teachers. Imagine a day without homeless shelters, charities, or hospitals. Imagine a huge segment of our population — people who work hard and give harder, people who provide the moral bedrock for our nation — gone. Maybe it’s time to put that on full display for the American people to see, if only for a day, before the Left succeeds in making it a permanent reality.

Is advancing the radical LGBT agenda, which requires not tolerance, but full Orwellian affirmation of the gay and trans lifestyles — including the idea of five-year-old children being forced by their politically motivated parents to suffer through gender conversion therapy — so important that we are willing to shut down Christian schools, adoption agencies, charities, and businesses?

What do you think? Should we plan a #DayWithoutAChristian? Let us know in the comments.

Photo credit: Ilias Bartolini via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

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