Sunday, April 28, 2024

CORTES: These Republicans Are Rushing to Enable Soros-Backed Open Borders Policies – And They’ll Pay a Political Price.

“We owe them.”

Former Vice-President Joe Biden proffered that assessment about illegal migrants at the presidential debate in Nashville on October 22nd. In reality, our country owes precisely nothing to people who trespassed their way into America, especially considering all of them jeopardize the economic security, and some of them imperil the physical safety of American citizens.

The only debt owed by elected leaders is to the citizens of this great republic: the people who consent to being governed.

Amazingly – and perhaps predictably – a group of Republicans have already emerged, ready to assist the left’s agenda to effectively vaporize U.S. borders should Biden ascend to the presidency.

These squishes completely ignore the clear lessons of the November 3rd plebiscite, seeking instead a retreat to globalist migration policies in cahoots with corporatist titans in league with Chuck Schumer. They all want to clear a path for legalizing tens of millions of illegal migrants already here. Plus they want to entice untold masses of more such lawbreakers.

Republican Senators Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, Susan Collins, and Thom Tillis will attend a Thursday “summit” meeting hosted by the “American Business Immigration Coalition,” a pro-amnesty group consisting of big business donors, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as the George Soros-funded United We Dream organization.

On the Democratic side, participants include Senators Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin. The business sponsor list includes big business titans with a heavy Chicago bent and a plethora of inherited-wealth grandees with names like Pritzker, Crown, and Duchossois.

As if this consortium were not already bad enough, CNN’s Ana Navarro is also included.

Ana’s apparent expertise on the subject includes her heartless circus antics of filing her nails on-air during Chris Cuomo’s show as I discussed the cold-blooded murder of an American policeman and legal immigrant to America – Corporal Ronil Singh –who was gunned down by an illegal migrant in a so-called “sanctuary” jurisdiction of California.

Navarro files her nails on air while Cortes laments murder

Why would these supposedly-conservative GOP lawmakers lend legitimacy with such radicals and self-interested oligarchs to thwart the interest of working-class American citizens?

Such appeasement never makes policy, nor political sense. And certainly not now, as so much of America struggles to regain economic prosperity and a sense of normalcy in a time of pandemic.

According to Zogby exit polling of this November’s election, a stunning 76 percent of Americans believe that we should limit immigration as long as joblessness remains elevated due to the CCP-virus pandemic. In a polarized 2020 America, it can be difficult to get such a supermajority to agree on anything, much less such a deleterious policy prescription.

Clearly, these senators, executives, and porous-borders advocates fall far outside the consensus of pragmatic American citizens.

Then again, the captains of the powerful ruling class of Washington, Wall Street, and corporate boardrooms thrive with cheap, imported labor, in addition to terrible trade deals that offshore production from our homeland.

But American workers pay the price. A critical reason they have rallied so vigorously to President Trump and the America First cause; now a truly cross-racial, multi-ethnic workers’ movement of populist nationalism.

Regarding the broadness of the America First coalition, these GOP senators also opt to learn nothing from the election results of just a month ago which prove, conclusively, that a pro-worker, strong borders agenda of economic protection appeals widely, including to Americans of Hispanic lineage.

Trump increased his support amongst Hispanic Americans

The exit poll shows that Hispanic voters almost precisely replicate the overall American aversion to even legal immigration in this time of economic recovery, with 73 percent of Latinos currently favoring reduced migration.

Even after the pandemic passes, fully 60 percent of Hispanic voters favor ongoing, lasting reductions in legal immigration to protect the economic prerogatives of American workers.

Defying media narratives that constantly castigate President Trump as a racist and our movement as xenophobic, the 2020 election results highlight the diverse, enduring appeal of a nationalist agenda.

In fact, the very president that built hundreds of miles of wall and proposes merit-based immigration policies earned the largest share of minority votes of any Republican candidate in 60 years.


Because working-class people, many of whom are black and brown, recognize the efficacy of Trump’s agenda in lifting wages for laborers. Specifically, the last pre-virus year of 2019 was the best year for American workers ever, with stunning 6.8 percent overall growth, an all-time record.

The results were even better for minorities a blacks and Hispanics welcomed stellar annual wage growth above 7 percent.

Why is Rubio enabling a Soros-backed event?

Amazingly, one million Hispanic children were lifted out of poverty in the three years of the first Trump Boom.

Consequently, Hispanics rallied with electoral fervor the president’s cause.

According to CBS News exit polling, of Hispanics who named the economy as their top issue, a whopping 87 percent voted for Trump. Such factors drove huge outperformance vs. Trump’s own 2016 returns among Hispanics. In Florida, the president earned half the Hispanic vote, per CNN, sealing his easy 370,000 vote triumph in that key battleground state. In Texas, media prognostications of some blue wave putting the Lone Star State in play proved fanciful, with Trump gaining 10 percent over his 2016 share to earn the support of 40 percent of Texas Hispanics, per Reuters.

Given these results, the power of the America First movement cannot be denied as a secular, historic shift that recreates the GOP into a workers’ party that transcends racial and ethnic boundaries, while at the same time reinforcing and hardening national boundaries. Therein lies the formula for a successful and lasting movement to increase prosperity, promote the diffusion of power, and validate sovereignty.

The connected few of the ruling class try desperately for force a retreat, back to structures of globalism, meaningless borders, and economic submission to foreign powers, principally China.

These malefactors may find some willing collaborators among certain GOP elected officials, but the political battle lines are clearly drawn and our movement will insist on leaders who only believe that they “owe” fealty to the lawful citizens of our land.

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