Thursday, April 25, 2024

This Week in Economics: 3 Stories You Should Know About

Welcome back from Labor Day weekend! I hope it was a great one for all our readers. I was out in Texas for the first time, and as a good conservative, it pains me to be back in the swamp!

But, lucky for us, this shortened work week did provide us with some exciting economic news to come home to. Here are three of the biggest stories from this week:

1.) Trump is asking you if you support his plan to index capital gains for inflation.

This week Steve Forbes retweeted a column by Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist calling on President Trump to index capital gains for inflation. Taking this step would unlock trillions in assets in the U.S. economy and is likely the single most pro-growth policy Trump could enact before 2020 since he could do it via executive order — completely bypassing Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.  

In response to Forbes’ tweet, President Trump tweeted “An idea liked by many?” initiating a real-time focus group on how the public feels about this policy.

If you support President Trump’s plan to index capital gains for inflation, tweet him or write him a letter to let him know!

As Forbes said in response to Trump: Go for it, Mr. President!

2.) U.S. and China to resume trade talks in October.

Markets are reacting positively today after news broke that the U.S. and China will resume trade talks in Washington, D.C., in October. It is great to see both sides coming to the table again, as trade is the biggest storm cloud looming over the U.S. economy.

President Trump has acknowledged the impact of our trade dispute with China, saying the Dow would be “10,000 points higher” if not for the trade war. There have been many false starts in our trade discussions, but let’s hope this time they can reach a deal.

3.) As it turns out…Barack Obama doesn’t believe in global warming?

Thought exercise: Would you buy a mansion if you sincerely believed it would be underwater within 12 years?

Of course not. Especially not the $15 million one the Obamas just bought on Martha’s Vineyard — an island!

I thought sea level rise was supposed to destroy the planet over the next decade. Who would be crazy enough to buy coastal property during times like these?

Or maybe, just maybe, liberals don’t buy the climate alarmism they peddle.

That’s all the news for this week. Give us that Tax Cut 2.0 President Trump!

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

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