Friday, April 26, 2024

University of Oklahoma to Host “Abortion Access Is Love” Event

Manyof us are familiar with 1 Corinthians 13, a passage of Scripture that talksabout love: “Love is patient, love is kind…” Now, a department at theUniversity of Oklahoma would add another item to the list: “Love is ensuringabortion access.”

TheUniversity of Oklahoma’s Department of Women’s and Gender Studies isco-sponsoring an event titled, “Fighting for AbortionAccess is Love.” Other co-sponsors are the department’s Center for SocialJustice and a nonprofit group, Oklahoma Call for Reproductive Justice.

Adescription of the event states:

We fight because we know that without the ability to control our reproduction we are less free. We each have something uniquely powerful to lend this battle, and that’s why we’ve gathered artists, activists and students together to learn and to plan together on how that message can change Oklahoma and ensure reproductive freedom.

Asof Monday afternoon, the event had 25 people RSVP’d, with 145 people listed as“interested.”

Ironically,this event will take place at the same time as an event sponsored by theuniversity’s chapter of Students for Life. They will be screening the pro-lifefilm Unplanned.

Students for Life spoke up about the pro-abortion event, explaining that they have requested information on how much the taxpayer funded university is paying to host it. Additionally, Sarah Zarr, the Students for Life Regional Coordinator for Oklahoma, stated:

We know that women who have abortions will often experience physical, emotional, and mental issues soon after or later on in life. We also know that men often use abortion to coerce women; abortion is anything but love. The pro-life generation stands for love; advocating for Title IX rights on campus, running diaper drives, and ensuring that pregnant and parenting students are protected on campus.

The pro-life group tweeted:

The website for Oklahoma Call for Reproductive Justice has a section about faith and abortion in which they state:

When individuals seek to universally end or limit abortion rights for all women based on a particular understanding of God, faith, or religion, others suffer. Just as some faithful may choose not to end a pregnancy based on an understanding of faith and God, others may choose abortion consistent with the teachings of faith and under the guidance of a loving relationship with God.

Abortion is many things, but “love” is absolutely not one of them. Kudos to Students for Life for condemning the theme of the pro-abortion event.

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