Saturday, April 20, 2024

Top Three Confessions from Planned Parenthood Officials Selling Baby Parts (VIDEO)

A tenth video has been released by the Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood officials admitting knowledge of broken laws and profiteering in abortion clinics across the nation.  Below are the top three revelations from the new video:

1.) “We have independent colleagues who generate a fair amount of income doing this, and if they have smaller margins or don’t have the ability to fundraise because they’re not a nonprofit, that’s really helpful.” – Deb VanDerhei, National Director, Consortium of Abortion Providers, PPFA

Here we have it, a direct admission that Planned Parenthood knew abortion clinics were profiting off of their “donations.”  While VanDerhei says they are “independent colleagues,” that doesn’t make the profiting off of fetal tissue any less illegal.  Since Planned Parenthood knew about it, they had an obligation to report it.  At the very least, their knowledge makes them accessories to a federal crime.

2.) Buyer: “What I understand from Deborah is that there is not a set PPFA national policy right now?”

Deb: “We are absent a policy and that’s relatively intentional, and the policy that we do have suggests that you really think about what you’re doing, vet your procurement service, and, um, if there’s any way you can do it mission based, that’s probably better.  And if you do decide that you want to engage in remuneration, that you really want to, like, think that through.  And think ‘New York Times headline’ when you’re creating your policy.”

This was echoed several times, including by Planned Parenthood’s director of medical services, but what it boils down to is that there’s no national policy for “procurement” and that the organization’s leadership likes it that way.  All they ask is that local clinics think about headlines when they make it.  This is a different kind of bombshell: If there’s no national oversight of how the clinics are allowed to provide tissue, how can the top brass say with certainty that Planned Parenthood isn’t profiting from the sale of fetal organs?

3.) “A company like this that wants to give our organization money for the tissue, I think that that’s a valid exchange and that that’s okay. Providing that we are very sensitive to the patient, and the consent, and all of that, I don’t see a problem with that.” –Vanessa Russo, Compliance Program Administrator, Planned Parenthood Keystone

Let’s assume there was a national policy for “procurement” and that the leadership was looking at local practices, would they care?  This third quote suggests not.  Apparently even the “Compliance Administrators” think that illegally profiting off of tissue sales is a valid exchange as long as they’re “sensitive to the patient.”  I hate to break this news, but breaking the law is never OK, especially not to make a profit.

Nick Arnold is a researcher for American Principles In Action.

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