Thursday, April 25, 2024

Trump: Shut Down the Government to Defund Planned Parenthood

Donald Trump (photo credit: Gage Skidmore)
Donald Trump (photo credit: Gage Skidmore)

On the Hugh Hewitt Show:

HEWITT: Alright, now let me talk to you about the other big story that happened to you when you were in Great Britain, the Planed Parenthood videos. Have you watched them, Donald Trump?

TRUMP: I have. I think it was disgraceful. I have watched them, yes.

HEWITT: And so should the Republicans shut own the government rather then fund Planed Parenthood?

TRUMP: Well, I don’t know what’s going to happen? I guess they are doing it right now as we speak. I’m in my office in New York and I guess as we speak they are going for a vote of some kind and you would think that that would be a vote that they is the word that the won’t . . .

HEWITT: The word is that the Democrats will filibuster and the president will veto — that’s the only way to get rid of Planned Parenthood money for selling off baby parts is to shut the government down in September. Would you support that?

TRUMP: Well I can tell you this. I would and I was also in support if the Republicans stuck together you could have done it with Obamacare also, but the Republicans decided not to stick together and they left a few people out there like Ted Cruz. You know, they left a lot of the people who really went in and wanted to do the job and you know what? If they had stuck together they wold have won that battle. I think you have to in this case also, yes.

Maggie Gallagher is a senior fellow at American Principles in Action.

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