Sunday, April 28, 2024

Are You Comfortable with the Direction of the Country on Social Issues?

yes_no_maybeThe new ABC/WaPo poll asked an interesting question: Are you comfortable or uncomfortable with the direction of the country on “social issues”?

The only people who are happy are self-described liberals, with 62 percent saying they are good with the way things are going—but even here, 36 percent say they aren’t very comfortable with the direction on social issues.

Among moderates, the mushy middle of America, those numbers flip, with 35 percent “comfortable” and 63 percent saying they aren’t very comfortable with the direction on social issues.

Eighty percent of conservatives are uncomfortable, with just 17 percent expressing comfort.

We don’t know for sure what “social issues” these voters meant, but it looks a lot like displaced discomfort over the prominence of gay marriage plus the Caitlyn-type barrage.

Maggie Gallagher is a senior fellow at American Principles in Action.

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