Sunday, April 28, 2024

Why Did Kasich Suddenly Pledge Amnesty?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (photo credit: Gage Skidmore)
Ohio Gov. John Kasich (photo credit: Gage Skidmore)

Richard Viguerie’s newsletter just published this hard-hitting attack on John Kasich’s sudden immigration conversion:

Ohio Governor John Kasich is, on the other hand, a late public convert to the cause of amnesty for illegal aliens, but he’s doing his best to surpass Rubio as he aims to be the replacement establishment candidate now that Rubio is faltering in his own home state.

Over the course of the campaign Governor Kasich has made a series of increasingly extreme statements on immigration that place him to the furthest leftward reaches of not just the GOP Presidential field, but the Democratic Presidential field as well.

In a desperate attempt to sweep up the support of the tech barons and oligarchs who are pulling out of Rubio’s failing campaign Kasich has gone even further than Rubio did at the height of the effort to force the hated Gang of Eight bill through Congress.

For instance, Kasich has said that enforcing our immigration laws and deporting the illegal immigrants is not “humane.” Kasich likened deportations to the Japanese internment camps of World War II.

Kasich has also pledged that he will enact amnesty within the first 100 days of his hoped-for Presidency– so instead of the Gang of Eight’s arcane decade-long process for “legalizing” illegal aliens Governor Kasich would legalize them in the first 100 days of a Kasich administration.

Meaning that those who support John Kasich’s presidential campaign are voting to enact the largest amnesty in U.S. history by April 30, 2017, less than a year from today.

But this should not puzzle readers of CHQ and Breitbart.

According to Breitbart’s stellar immigration reporter Julia Hahn, the Center for Responsive Politics has documented that far-Left open borders billionaire George Soros, through his Soros Fund Management is one of John Kasich’s top financial contributors giving him over $200,000. (Click this link for more from Julia Hahn’s reporting on John Kasich’s Soros ties and cash)

And as we have documented in several articles, such as “John Kasich: The GOP Establishment’s Spare Prince” and “Who John Kasich Walks With Tells Us He’s No Conservative” and “Bush, Rubio and Kasich: The Establishment’s Whack-a-Mole Candidates” there is no difference in the policies and goals of John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush – the Washington establishment and the Dark Lords of Silicon Valley all get the same plan for open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens in slightly different packaging.

As the polls open today, Tuesday, March 15, 2016 we urge our conservative friends to send Senator Rubio, Governor Kasich and their paymasters in DC, Wall Street and Silicon Valley three messages:  #NeverAmnesty  #NeverRubio  #NeverKasich.

To preserve American sovereignty and American exceptionalism vote Ted Cruz in today’s Republican primary elections.

We at APP are generally pro-immigration. But why the sudden Kasich flip?

Maggie Gallagher is a senior fellow at the American Principles Project and can be followed on Twitter @MaggieGallaghe.

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