Thursday, April 25, 2024

Convicted Felons Continue Breaching U.S. Border.

Border Patrol agents continue to intercept migrants with felony criminal records attempting to breach the U.S. border.

As an agency press release notes, officials intercepted Jorge Moreno-Hernandez. a previously deported felon convicted of voluntary manslaughter:

Record checks revealed that Moreno-Hernandez is a convicted felon who served 13 years in a Los Angeles, California prison for Voluntary Manslaughter. 

Additionally, Moreno-Hernandez was previously ordered removed by a designated official on August 25, 2020. Moreno-Hernandez was prosecuted and convicted for 8 USC 1326, Re-entry after Deportation. He will serve 13 months and 1 day in federal custody and 2 years of supervised release.  

The incident follows several border sectors experiencing uptrends in illegal migrant crossings, especially pronounced for individuals with criminal histories.

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