Thursday, April 25, 2024

New Poll Has Cruz Within Five Points of Trump

From left: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Donald Trump
From left: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Donald Trump

The latest McClatchy poll has Donald Trump leading nationally among Republicans, but his lead over Ted Cruz has shrunk to just 5 points, barely above the margin of error.

Forty percent of Republicans say they want Trump to be the nominee, with 35 percent favoring Cruz.

An enormous gender gap has opened up for both Cruz and Trump: 45 percent of GOP men favor Trump compared to just 35 percent of women. Cruz meanwhile is favored by 41 percent of GOP women but just 30 percent of GOP men.

Is it a Heidi Cruz affect? Or possibly a consequence of pro-life women moving away from their erstwhile favorite?

Trump is down 9 points overall from his late-February high of 49 percent.

Maggie Gallagher is a senior fellow at the American Principles Project and can be followed on Twitter @MaggieGallaghe.

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