Thursday, April 25, 2024

Orlando Should Not Be an Occasion to Score Political Points

flag_half_staffIt began so quickly. Last night I posted a quick note of horror on Facebook and Twitter about the mass murders in a gay bar in Orlando and offered prayers. It felt inadequate. Naturally.

By the morning we had resumed not just on my Facebook page the usual disputes: Am I responsible for the murders because I don’t believe in gay marriage? Or in gun control? Jihad-denying!

Hate provokes hate and self-defense. It was a press release from an old friend of mine in the gay-marriage wars that called me back to sanity and decency.

John Stemberger is heroically responsible for the defense-of-marriage campaign that produced a 62 percent approval of the Florida marriage amendment less than eight years ago. It seems a lot longer now. Here is what he said in a press release about the killing:

The people shot by the Islamic jihadist were sons and daughters, mothers and fathers. They were citizens and workers. They were precious souls. Most importantly they were people who were made in the image and likeness of God himself. They were image bearers of the Creator and worthy of dignity, value, and respect.

This is an unspeakable tragedy and we should take extended time to mourn, to pray for the families of those murdered and injured, and to consider the depth of evil in the hearts of men that this senseless act represents. Finally, we should also pray for and support law enforcement as they investigate and bring to justice all persons involved.

It was beautiful and true and it made me realize I needed to lay down my self-defensive clubs. Today I am not going to attack any of my fellow Americans except the one who killed in cold blood.


Read the full article at National Review.

Maggie Gallagher is a senior fellow at the American Principles Project and can be followed on Twitter @MaggieGallaghe.

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