Saturday, April 27, 2024

Breaking News: Court Jails Kim Davis for Refusing Gay Marriage Licenses

prison_cellA federal judge just ordered jail time for Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who has refused to sign same-sex marriage licenses.

What do you think?  I acknowledge court orders cannot just be flouted, but you have to admire someone willing to go to jail for her beliefs.

There is no good reason we reached this sad pass.  Many state legislatures have prevented this kind of escalation by putting the duty to issue licenses on the office, not the individual clerk.  That is a win-win that hurts nobody.

If Kim Davis languishes in jail, it’s because Democrats want her there as a symbol of their power to redefine Christianity as hatred and bigotry.  And because the Republicans do not have the guts to contest it.

Maggie Gallagher is a senior fellow at American Principles in Action.

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